
What exactly does "Wicked Preppy" mean?

What exactly does "Wicked Preppy" mean?

Posted by Island Pursuit on Mar 15th 2023

Chatham Ivy, Wicked Preppy!What does “wicked preppy” mean? Anyone from the Boston area knows that “wicked” means something different here. Its origins date back to the Puritans who came to New Engl … read more
What do we mean by "Casual, Authentic Sportswear"?

What do we mean by "Casual, Authentic Sportswear"?

Posted by Laurie Gomes on Mar 8th 2023

What do we mean by “authentic” in Casual, Authentic Sportswear?  Island Pursuit’s tagline is “Casual, authentic sportswear” but what exactly does that mean? Everyone understands what is … read more